NORTH WALES CRUSADERS' first ever visit to the Alexander Stadium ended in a defeat.

Looking to complete a League One double versus Midlands Hurricanes, Carl Forster's side were on the wrong end of an 18-10 outcome.

Crusaders, who beat Midlands 20-14 in March, have made it a habit this season of scoring first in matches and Sunday was no different.

After heavy rain caused kick-off to be delayed by half-an-hour, Crusaders nudged in front in the 20th minute when Ben Lane set up Pat Ah Van to crash over for a converted score.

Ten minutes later and things were level once more.

David Hewitt grabbed Midlands' first try of the contest and this was duly converted.

However, right on the stroke of half-time, North Wales regained the lead.

Dan Coates' kick was pounced on by Matt Reid for an unconverted try and Crusaders had a 10-6 advantage heading into the break.

However, this would be the final piece of joy for the Crusaders, with the Hurricanes scoring 12 unanswered points in the second half to secure victory.

Matty Chrimes and Ryan Johnson scored the tries, while Hewitt kicked a conversion and penalty.

Ahead of the contest, Reid said he was anticipating a tough challenge.

Reid returned to action after injury last weekend with a try-scoring display in Cru's 30-10 loss to high-flying Keighley Cougars and he told the club's website: "This is the biggest game of the season so far, obviously there in a play-off place above us on the league table, we just squeezed past them in Colwyn Bay, and since then the Hurricanes have definitely improved.

"They've gone to Workington and won, alright they lost against Cornwall, so did we last year, but they'll have their moments this year.

"They'll definitely be out to avenge what happened earlier this season, because they'll feel they should have won the game."