LAST Saturday (April 1), people in Bangor held a protest outside the city’s BBC offices, asking for more accurate reporting on the impacts of the climate crisis.

People gathered outside Storiel and processed to the BBC offices with a banner saying “Unite for Life”.

A letter was handed to the BBC to protest about the public broadcaster presenting the full facts about the climate and ecological crisis and the seriousness of the likely impacts on communities in the near future if inaction continues.


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The protest was part of the lead-up to “The Big One”, when more than 100,000 people are expected to gather in London.

More than 70 campaign groups and movements including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and CAFOD will come together on April 21-24 to demand appropriate action from the government on climate, and support for more democratic engagement with the public through citizens assemblies.

The peaceful demonstration then marched to outside Bangor Police Station, where several protesters posed with tape across their mouth to illustrate that climate protesters have been silenced, sometimes specifically forbidden on contempt of court to speak about the reasons for their protest.

Lizzy Scott, of Bangor, read this statement aloud: “Let us stand here in solidarity with those people who have been imprisoned for trying to sound the alarm through non-violent protest.

“We remember the reasons why they felt compelled to protest, non-violently: carbon emissions need to start falling now if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change for the next generation.

“A better life is possible, but the changes need to start now.

“Our justice system fails to prosecute the real criminals in the fossil fuel industries who have known for years the damage caused by their pollution, and have chosen to lie about it, and continue to lie.

“It fails to prosecute our politicians who collude with fossil fuel interests.

“As UN Secretary General, António Guterres, said: ‘Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels’.”