Mystery remains about the tragedy of an experienced mountain walker who was seen falling to his death on Snowdon.

A conclusion of accidental death was recorded at a Caernarfon inquest on Ronald Parnell, aged 71, of The Uplands, Beccles, Suffolk, a retired tree feller, who died in September from multiple injuries.

Acting North West Wales senior coroner Katie Sutherland said that she didn’t have any evidence why Mr Parnell fell in the first place. But the peak could be treacherous.

“It may well be a slip or trip was the primary reason for the fall,” she remarked.

Mr Parnell died at Clogwyn y Garn. His family said in a statement the tragedy “came as a shock to us all but he was doing what he loved.”

He was staying in his car which had been customised.

Alun Allcock, of Llanberis mountain rescue team, said police had received a report of a walker falling from cliffs. A coastguard rescue helicopter flew team members to the scene.

Walker Lucy Saunders said she had heard a loud “scrape.” She added in a statement :”I could see a dark object, appearing to be a human figure, seeming to be falling.”

At the time it was believed the pensioner plunged nearly 200ft.